Study on Application of Ventilation Efficiency Indices in Ventilation System Design 通风效率性能参数在通风设计中应用的探讨
Results 1 h, 24 h and 48h after employing CPAP model mechanica ventilation, SaO2 and PaO2 of blood gas of these burned patients increased significantly, and the two indices showed a statistically significant difference, compared with those pre-CPAP model mechanical ventilation ( P0.019). 结果采用CPAP模式机械通气后1小时、24小时及48小时患者血气分析中SaO2和PaO2较通气前明显升高,经统计学处理(P0.01),差异有高度显著性意义。
Methods Twenty-six elderly patients were given lateral position ventilation to monitor and compare respiratory and circulatory indices before and after position change. 方法26例老年患者施行侧卧位通气,监测体位改变前、后的呼吸循环指标并进行比较。